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Solitary Game - Privacy Policy

This policy applies to all information collected or submitted in the Solitary Game app for iPhone, iPad and Macs and any other devices and platforms.

Data Collection and Use

Solitary Game collects:

  1. Game state and history in order to compile game play statistics for a single user.
  2. User game preferences, such as color choices and preferred fonts, to personalize game play for users.
  3. Game play technical diagnostics, such as Crash Data and Performance data, in order to improve game play for all users.

All data is normally stored on device and or from Apple iCloud servers.

Data Linked to a User

All data collected is accessable on all devices that are signed into an iCloud account associated with the same Apple Id.


No data is shared or exchanged with third-parties or used to aggregate usage statistics.

Your Consent

By using our site or apps, you consent to our privacy policy.

Contacting Us

If you have questions regarding this privacy policy, you may email with any feedback.

Changes to this policy

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page. Summary of changes so far: